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4-bit single-chip CMOS microcontroller DESCRIPTION S3C1840,a4-bitsingle-chipCMOSmicrocontroller,consistsofthereliableSMCS-51CPUcorewithon-chipROMandRAM.Eightinputpinsand11outputpinsprovidetheflexibilityforvariousI/Orequirements.Autoresetcircuitgeneratesresetpulseeverycertainperiod,andeveryh | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C7238/C7235 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high performance using Samsungs newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 (Samsung Arrange OVERVIEW TheS3C7238/C7235single-chipCMOSmicrocontrollerhasbeendesignedforhighperformanceusingSamsungsnewest4-bitCPUcore,SAM47(SamsungArrangeableMicrocontrollers). WithfeaturessuchasLCDdirectdrivecapability,8-bittimer/counter,andserialI/O,theS3C7238/C7235offera | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C7238/C7235 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high performance using Samsungs newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 (Samsung Arrange OVERVIEW TheS3C7238/C7235single-chipCMOSmicrocontrollerhasbeendesignedforhighperformanceusingSamsungsnewest4-bitCPUcore,SAM47(SamsungArrangeableMicrocontrollers). WithfeaturessuchasLCDdirectdrivecapability,8-bittimer/counter,andserialI/O,theS3C7238/C7235offera | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C7295 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high performance using Samsungs newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 (Samsung Arrangeable M OVERVIEW TheS3C7295single-chipCMOSmicrocontrollerhasbeendesignedforhighperformanceusingSamsungsnewest4-bitCPUcore,SAM47(SamsungArrangeableMicrocontrollers). Withanup-to-704-dotLCDdirectdrivecapability,andflexible8-bittimer/counter,theS3C7295offersanexcellentde | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C72B5/C72B7/C72B9 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high performance using Samsungs newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 (Samsung A OVERVIEW TheS3C72B5/C72B7/C72B9single-chipCMOSmicrocontrollerhasbeendesignedforhighperformanceusingSamsungsnewest4-bitCPUcore,SAM47(SamsungArrangeableMicrocontrollers). Withanup-to-1280-dotLCDdirectdrivecapability,segmentexpandablecircuit,8-bitand16-bittimer/coun | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C72C8 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high performance using Samsungs newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 (Samsung Arrangeable M OVERVIEW TheS3C72C8single-chipCMOSmicrocontrollerhasbeendesignedforhighperformanceusingSamsungsnewest4-bitCPUcore,SAM47(SamsungArrangeableMicrocontrollers). Withanup-to-96-dotLCDdirectdrivecapabilityflexible16-bittimer/counter,and4-chanelcomparator,theS3C72C8of | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C72E8/P72E8 is a SAM47 core-based 4-bit CMOS single-chip microcontroller. It has a timer/counter and LCD drivers. OVERVIEW TheS3C72E8/P72E8isaSAM47core-based4-bitCMOSsingle-chipmicrocontroller.Ithasatimer/counterandLCDdrivers. TheS3P72E8isespeciallysuitedforuseindatabank,telephoneandLCDgeneralpurpose. ItisbuiltaroundtheSAM47coreCPUandcontainsROM,RAM,39I/Olines,p | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C72F5 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high performance using Samsungs newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 (Samsung Arrangeable M OVERVIEW TheS3C72F5single-chipCMOSmicrocontrollerhasbeendesignedforhighperformanceusingSamsungsnewest4-bitCPUcore,SAM47(SamsungArrangeableMicrocontrollers). Withanup-to-896-dotLCDdirectdrivecapability,8-bitand16-bittimer/counter,andserialI/O,theS3C72F5offersa | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C72G9 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high performance using Samsungs newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 (Samsung Arrangeable M OVERVIEW TheSAM47instructionsetisspecificallydesignedtosupportthelargeregisterfilestypicallyfoundedinmostKS57-seriesmicrocontrollers.TheSAM47instructionsetincludes1-bit,4-bit,and8-bitinstructionsfordatamanipulation,logicalandarithmeticoperations,programcontrol | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung | ||
The S3C72H8 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for very high performance using Samsungs state-of-the-art 4-bit product development app OVERVIEW TheS3C72H8single-chipCMOSmicrocontrollerhasbeendesignedforveryhighperformanceusingSamsungsstate-of-the-art4-bitproductdevelopmentapproach,SAM47(SamsungArrangeableMicrocontrollers).Itsmainfeaturesareanup-to-13-digitLCDdirectdrivecapability,2-channelcompar | SamsungSamsung semiconductor 三星三星半導(dǎo)體 | Samsung |
- 型號(hào):
- 制造商:
- 制造商全稱:
Samsung semiconductor
- 功能描述:
4-bit single-chip CMOS microcontroller
供應(yīng)商 | 型號(hào) | 品牌 | 批號(hào) | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價(jià)格 |
19+ |
LQFP-44 |
256800 |
原廠代理渠道,每一顆芯片都可追溯原廠; |
詢價(jià) | ||
23+ |
LQFP-44 |
50000 |
全新原裝正品現(xiàn)貨,支持訂貨 |
詢價(jià) | ||
2022 |
LQFP-44 |
80000 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨,OEM渠道,歡迎咨詢 |
詢價(jià) | ||
22+ |
LQFP-44 |
30000 |
十七年VIP會(huì)員,誠信經(jīng)營,一手貨源,原裝正品可零售! |
詢價(jià) | ||
23+ |
NA/ |
498 |
優(yōu)勢(shì)代理渠道,原裝正品,可全系列訂貨開增值稅票 |
詢價(jià) | ||
23+ |
N/A |
7560 |
原廠原裝 |
詢價(jià) | ||
24+ |
N/A |
80000 |
一級(jí)代理-主營優(yōu)勢(shì)-實(shí)惠價(jià)格-不悔選擇 |
詢價(jià) | |||
NA |
8560 |
一級(jí)代理 原裝正品假一罰十價(jià)格優(yōu)勢(shì)長期供貨 |
詢價(jià) | |||
24+ |
3000 |
自己現(xiàn)貨 |
詢價(jià) | |||
00+ |
1143 |
全新原裝100真實(shí)現(xiàn)貨供應(yīng) |
詢價(jià) |
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