零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
PL9203 | SMT POWER INDUCTORS | pulse Pulse A Technitrol Company | pulse | |
Package:非標準;包裝:管件 類別:電感器,線圈,扼流圈 固定電感器 描述:FIXED IND 2.7UH 6.6A 10 MOHM SMD | iNRCORE, LLC iNRCORE, LLC | iNRCORE, LLC | ||
Package:非標準;包裝:卷帶(TR) 類別:電感器,線圈,扼流圈 固定電感器 描述:FIXED IND 2.7UH 6.6A 10 MOHM SMD | iNRCORE, LLC iNRCORE, LLC | iNRCORE, LLC | ||
4-AmpereN-P-NDarlingtonPowerTransistors | ETC1List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商未分類制造商 | ETC1 | ||
4-AmpereN-P-NDarlingtonPowerTransistors | ETC1List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商未分類制造商 | ETC1 | ||
DualRegulators-SynchronousBuckPWMDC-DCandLinearController GeneralDescription TheRT9203/Aisadual-outputpowercontrollersdesignedforhighperformancegraphicscardsandpersonalcomputers.TheICintegratesasynchronousbuckcontroller,alinearcontrollerandprotectionfunctionsintoasmall8-pinpackage. Features | RichTekRichtek Technology Corporation 立锜科技立锜科技股份有限公司 | RichTek | ||
DualRegulators-SynchronousBuckPWMDC-DCandLinearController GeneralDescription TheRT9203/Aisadual-outputpowercontrollersdesignedforhighperformancegraphicscardsandpersonalcomputers.TheICintegratesasynchronousbuckcontroller,alinearcontrollerandprotectionfunctionsintoasmall8-pinpackage. Features | RichTekRichtek Technology Corporation 立锜科技立锜科技股份有限公司 | RichTek | ||
DualRegulators-SynchronousBuckPWMDC-DCandLinearController GeneralDescription TheRT9203/Aisadual-outputpowercontrollersdesignedforhighperformancegraphicscardsandpersonalcomputers.TheICintegratesasynchronousbuckcontroller,alinearcontrollerandprotectionfunctionsintoasmall8-pinpackage. Features | RichTekRichtek Technology Corporation 立锜科技立锜科技股份有限公司 | RichTek | ||
DualRegulators-SynchronousBuckPWMDC-DCandLinearController GeneralDescription TheRT9203/Aisadual-outputpowercontrollersdesignedforhighperformancegraphicscardsandpersonalcomputers.TheICintegratesasynchronousbuckcontroller,alinearcontrollerandprotectionfunctionsintoasmall8-pinpackage. Features | RichTekRichtek Technology Corporation 立锜科技立锜科技股份有限公司 | RichTek | ||
DualRegulators-SynchronousBuckPWMDC-DCandLinearController GeneralDescription TheRT9203/Aisadual-outputpowercontrollersdesignedforhighperformancegraphicscardsandpersonalcomputers.TheICintegratesasynchronousbuckcontroller,alinearcontrollerandprotectionfunctionsintoasmall8-pinpackage. Features | RichTekRichtek Technology Corporation 立锜科技立锜科技股份有限公司 | RichTek |
- 型號:
- 制造商:
- 功能描述:
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
24+ |
65230 |
詢價 | ||||
20+ |
電感器 |
200 |
就找我吧!--邀您體驗愉快問購元件! |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
非標準 |
9350 |
獨立分銷商 公司只做原裝 誠心經營 免費試樣正品保證 |
詢價 |
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- PLA.739.UG
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- PLA.76.5UG.0
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- PLA03101MA1D2
- PLA03101MP6D2
- PLA03101MP8D2
- PLA03101NA0D2
- PLA03101NP5D2
- PLA03101NP7D2
- PLA03101NP9D2
- PLA03101PA1D2
- PLA03101PP6D2
- PLA03101PP8D2
- PLA03101QA0D2
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- PLA03101SA1D2
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- PLA03101SP8D2
- PLA03101TA0D2
- PLA03101TP5D2
- PLA03101TP7D2
- PLA03101TP9D2
- PLA03101YA1D2
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- PLA.200.UG
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- PLA03101HP6D2
- PLA03101HP8D2
- PLA03101MA0D2
- PLA03101MP5D2
- PLA03101MP7D2
- PLA03101MP9D2
- PLA03101NA1D2
- PLA03101NP6D2
- PLA03101NP8D2
- PLA03101PA0D2
- PLA03101PP5D2
- PLA03101PP7D2
- PLA03101PP9D2
- PLA03101QA1D2
- PLA03101QP6D2
- PLA03101QP8D2
- PLA03101SA0D2
- PLA03101SP5D2
- PLA03101SP7D2
- PLA03101SP9D2
- PLA03101TA1D2
- PLA03101TP6D2
- PLA03101TP8D2
- PLA03101YA0D2
- PLA03101YP5D2
- PLA03101YP7D2
- PLA03101YP9D2
- PLA03151HA1D2
- PLA03151HP6D2
- PLA03151HP8D2
- PLA03151MA0D2
- PLA03151MP5D2