These Precision Optical Performance Oval LEDs are specifically designed for full color/video and passenger information signs. The oval shaped radiation pattern (35°x70°) and high luminous
intensity ensure that these devices are excellent for wide field of view outdoor application where a wide viewing angle and readability in sunlight are essential. These lamps have very smooth, matched radiation patterns ensuring consistent color mixing in full color applications, message uniformity across the viewing angle of the sign.
? Well defined spatial radiation pattern
? Viewing angles:
Major axis 70°
Minor axis 35°
? High luminous output
? Red and Amber Intensity are available for:
AlInGaP (Bright)
AlInGaP II (Brightest)
? Colors:
472 nm blue
526 nm green
626 nm red
630 nm red
590 nm amber
592 nm amber
? Superior resistance to moisture
? UV resistant epoxy
? Viewing angle designed for wide field of view application
? Red, green, and blue radiation patterns matched for full color sign
? Superior performance in outdoor environments
? Full color/video signs