? First-In/First-Out Dual-Port memory
? 2,048 x 9 organization (IDT7203)
? 4,096 x 9 organization (IDT7204)
? 8,192 x 9 organization (IDT7205)
? 16,384 x 9 organization (IDT7206)
? 32,768 x 9 organization (IDT7207)
? 65,636 x 9 organization (IDT7208)
? High-speed: 12ns access time
? Low power consumption
— Active: 660mW (max.)
— Power-down: 44mW (max.)
? Asynchronous and simultaneous read and write
? Fully expandable in both word depth and width
? 720x family is pin and functionally compatible from 256 x 9 to 64k x 9
? Status Flags: Empty, Half-Full, Full
? Retransmit capability
? High-performance CMOS technology
? Military product compliant to MIL-STD-883, Class B
? Standard Military Drawing for #5962-88669 (IDT7203), 5962-89567
(IDT7203), and 5962-89568 (IDT7204) are listed on this function