■Threaded barrel, M5 × 0.5
■Stainless steel, 1.4305 (AIS303)
■DC 3-wire, 10…30 VDC
■NO contact, PNP output
■Cable connection
Functional principle
The inductive all-metal switches operate on
the basis of the electromagnetic pulse method.
Unlike standard inductive sensors, the magnetic
field is not generated through oscillation but
through short, periodic current pulses flowing
through the coil. The magnetic field induces
voltage in the object to be detected, which, for
its part creates a current flow in this object. After
switching off the current pulse, the current in
the object also drops, now inducing voltage
back in the emitter coil. This voltage is the
wanted signal and remains unaffected by
energy dissipation in the magnetic field. Only
non-ferromagnetic or poorly conductive metals
provide a low signal.